完美的婚姻 #31 - 安妮和肯德拉一起度过一天...Marvin一边观看女士们的照片一边撸管

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A Perfect Marriage #31 - Anne and Kendra spend the day together ... Marvin jerked off while watching photos of the ladies ... Marvin tried something with Anne

5 月 前
Looks like Marvin not only got better pictures (real nudes) but actually got to "feel up" Anna. He's way ahead of Chris and poor Jake ... still waiting patiently on the side lines.
Looks like I called it ... Marvin seems to be the only one getting any real progress with Anna ... playing her weakness, which is flirting with horny old men.  Kendra never stops amazing me ... her power to scheme and manipulate to get what she wants. She's good.
I hurts my head watching David roam the desert, lost, searching for a girl named Alexia ... which could or could not be her real name.